Wednesday, May 15, 2013

all play and some work.

today was the first day of classes and I so wished that classes at home were like these. my first class was on surfing injuries. we just went over different MOI and the stretches that could help prevent them and I absolutely loved it. I've never gone surfing or seen a surfing competition, but if I were to intern in Australia I would love to cover an event or something. after class, I had a nice four hour break so I made it to town and walked around the shops and bought some grocery. we took the beach route into town and it was absolutely gorgeous. if I could live on the beach for the rest of my life I would. the idea of opening up a to-go bakery on the beaches of so-cal are becoming more and more appealing. the second class of the day was taught by an exercise physiologist named marian. she is this cute little lady with the most colourful personality. she works a lot with the aboriginal population in town and specializes in hydrotherapy. she talked a lot about the culture of the aboriginal people but loved talking about gait patterns and how analyzing them will help therapist diagnosis and plan for certain injuries that individuals may have. it's really interesting to see how different the health care is over here compared to the states. anyway, it's time for dinner here. missing you all <3

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